True, diamonds are a girl's best friend, but so are pearls. Did you know that back in the old days, only the people who are rich and have certain ranks can wear these smooth and milky gems? In the present days, it's the Japanese who have who value pearls so much. It is believed to bring luck to the wearer. They say Japanese pearls are expensive but if you are to consider the quality and beauty of each of their pearls; you'll realize their prices are reasonable.

My mom used to travel a lot to Japan before. That where we get our merchandise from. Mom used to import clothes, shoes, accessories, and toys from Japan. She had met a lot of suppliers from Tokyo and they had also become our friends. When one of them visited us here; he gave all of us (mom, me and my sister) pearl rings. They were lovely and very elegant. I still have mine with me but I gave it to my daughter. I was still very young when it was given to me and now the ring doesn't fit anymore. It's a lovely pink pearl and all through the years; it never faded. That was my first pearl and I have been in love with these round gems since. My mom and sister go for diamonds, but me? I'm very happy with my pearls.
Are you thinking of giving someone a gift? Go for pearls. Like diamonds, pearls are very precious and they are not as expensive.